Wednesday, November 07, 2012

Novelist Sarah Miller at Grist: "you have to be able to add 11 to the average current temperature to see what it will be in 2100...We don’t really even hate these f*ckers [climate realists] anymore"

We’ve figured it out: Climate deniers are really just scared of getting headaches | Grist
[Sarah Miller] Scientists have discovered that to people with something they call HMA — high math anxiety — the idea of working things out with numbers may be literally physically painful. So now we think we might understand why there are so many climate deniers. There’s a lot of math involved in climate science. Like, for example, you have to be able to add 11 to the average current temperature to see what it will be in 2100. And then there are logarithms and stuff. Wow. We don’t really even hate these fuckers anymore.
Flashback: Charming, humanity-loving Grist warmist Sarah Miller: "I would so love to see Donald Trump pour gasoline all over himself and light himself on fire" Sarah Miller: Books, Biography, Blog, Audiobooks, Kindle
I live in Los Angeles. My book is funny.

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